April 23, 2015


Looking for the FAN by-laws? View them here.

I’m a fan of FAN – how can I be a FAN member?

  • Neighborhood Organizations – Any neighborhood organization may become a member of FAN by filling out an application and agreeing to support the vision statement.
  • At-large membership – Individuals may be also become at-large members of FAN (each such person is an “at-large FAN”).  Any such person wishing to join must complete an application, sign a statement pledging to support the FAN vision statement.
  • District Chapters – FANNAs and at-large FANs may be grouped by Council Member districts for the purpose of developing effective relationships with city representatives.
  • Fees.  FANNA and at-large FAN membership are free.
  • Rights of Represented and at-large FANs:  All members have full rights to participate in the communications forum, receive news digests and other communications from FAN leadership, participate in all committees at all levels including as an officer or chair, attend all meetings, whether of the general membership at the city or district Level or of the board (unless closed for executive sessions).   For matters requiring a vote, each FANNA may cast a single vote. At-large FANs vote online, the results of which will determine a single vote for the at-large FAN membership.
  • Committees.  All at-large members of FAN are eligible to participate in any committee at any level, in any capacity including as an officer of the executive committee.
  • Expansion.  At-large FANs are encouraged to work within their respective neighborhood organizations to advocate for membership in FAN.
  • Critical Mass.  When any area not represented by a membership organization achieves a critical mass of at-large FANs (a critical mass being ten at-large FANs or more), and that area does not have a neighborhood organization aligned with FAN, then FAN will work together with that critical mass to form a new neighborhood based organization to represent that area as a FANNA.  Such critical mass of at-large FANs will be provided with the toolkit containing all the forms and organizational documents and materials needed to start a neighborhood organization..
    • The toolkit Includes:
      • Draft Model Bylaws
      • Draft Vision Statement
      • Application with the City of Austin
      • Application to be a non-profit organization
      • Model website and communications forum
      • Application to be a neighborhood organization of FAN
      • Pledge to Uphold the FAN Vision Statement