Hello Friends, the results are in and if you hadn’t checked the Votes page, the newest Board of Directors has been decided upon after the conclusion of our Annual Meeting.
Election Results:
You can check all of the stats on the Votes tab, but the summary here lays out our newest Board makeup:
President – Alysha HaggertonTreasurer – Evan GillSecretary – Roger L. CauvinNew Board Directors – Matthew Armstrong, Pete Gilcrease, Brittany Morrison, Meghan SkorniaBoard Members w 1yr of a term remaining – Kristen Fox, Frank Harren, Natalie Gauldin, Ricky Hennessy
Annual Meeting:
We had a great Annual Meeting with a talk from Niran Babalola of DegsegregateATX ( Facebook | Twitter ), and our member Angela Dawn happened to catch it live on our event page, so you can all watch at home.
We also had Steven Knapp speak about Central Austin CDC‘s ( Web | Facebook | Twitter ) rail proposition that it’s working to push as a viable plan for City Council to consider in a 2016 election process.
And of course our sitting Director Natalie Gauldin spoke about her recent announcement of running for a seat on City Council as a representative for District 7 ( Web | Facebook | Twitter ).
Upcoming Year:
We hope to engage you all in more in-person meetups and speaker presentations like this throughout the year. So however you stay plugged in, look for events on our Calendar, Facebook or Twitter.
And for more back-&-forth commentary on issues facing Austin today, sign up and keep visiting us in the forums to stay abreast of our discussions and proposed Resolutions.
You don’t have to be a member of FAN to read or post in our forums, so please also refer your neighbors who may not be official members to engage with us there as a place for all residents to gather and talk about Austin’s growth.