Hello Friends, We had a great in-person component of our Annual Meeting this weekend. We had some of our Board candidates stand up and give a quick intro on themselves, but please also be sure to check out their online bios shown below. FAN local policy thought-leaders presented on climate change in relation to neighborhoods and our transportation habits, renter representation, and the South Central Waterfront plan as a case study in re-envisioning a neighborhood. Then we had our speakers sit for a panel discussion on CodeNEXT.
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Special shout-outs to our local businesses that donated food & drink
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Part I Video : [icon name=”video-camera” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Intros From Members & Board Candidates
- The first 24 minutes are mostly comprised of introductions and testimonials from folks in the room. At the 24 min mark is when Board candidates who were present stand up and give a quick intro on themselves and their interest in FAN. You can also flip through the slides of their bios below:
- The quick recap on Project Connect given by Alysha Haggerton as FAN’s rep to the Multimodal Community Advisory Committee was lost in the video stream, but please do check out the associated websites.
FAN Members can offer feedback via our Discussion Forum, or you can attend the city’s next public participation event, Traffic Jam, on Wednesday July 26th at Huston Tillotson, and find more ways to get involved on the Participation page for the project.
Part II Video : [icon name=”video-camera” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Presentations & Panel Discussion on CodeNEXT
- Minutes 0 to 10 – Austin Renters Issues Presented by [icon name=”linkedin-square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Stephanie Trinh:
- Stephanie works as an attorney at Texas RioGrande Legal Aid providing advice for subsidized housing tenants in Central Austin, serves on Austin Zoning & Platting Commission and on the board of @AURAatx ( Forums | Web | Facebook | Twitter ).
- Minutes 10 to 29 – Climate Change in our Neighborhoods Presented by [icon name=”linkedin-square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Jay Crossley:
- Jay currently the Executive Director of Farm & City ( Forums | Web | Facebook | Twitter ), and StreetsBlog writer, transportation policy wonk and sustainability enthusiast.
- Minutes 29 to 50 – South Central Waterfront Initiative Presented by [icon name=”linkedin-square” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Alan Holt:
- Alan is the City of Austin’s Principal Planner in the Urban Design Division
- Minutes 50 to 100 – CodeNEXT Panel Discussion
- Engaging neighbors in effective discussions
- Designing for density and involving input
- Inclusion of renters in neighborhood planning
- Impacts of autonomous and other mode-shift transportation initiatives
- Neighborhoods maps: policy for change or stasis
- CodeNEXT as a tool of Imagine Austin or the Austin Bargain
- How to approach conversations of change
The election for the FAN board of directors is underway. Message us if you haven’t received a ballot or would like to join (free) and vote for our Board Candidates
Board Candidates – Volma Overton III, Josiah Stevenson, Nate Ryan, Jennifer Houlihan, Frank Harren, Noelle ShellyBoard Members w 1yr of a term remaining – Officers: Alysha Haggerton, Evan Gill, Roger Cauvin; Directors: Pete Gilcrease
We hope to engage you all in more in-person meetups and speaker presentations like this throughout the year. So however you stay plugged in, look for events on our social media:
And as a special favor, don’t forget our [icon name=”google-plus” class=”fa-3x” unprefixed_class=””] profile and posts – we rise in SEO rankings when we have more activity there.